Next episode autoplay

One of our primary goals at Treefort is to help you engage and retain subscribers. We’re constantly making updates and improvements to the platform towards that end. This is why we’ve added a feature that makes it much easier for your subscribers to play the next episode in a video series.
Previously when a subscriber finished a video they would be left staring at the video’s thumbnail, possibly in an existential crisis of what to watch next. Our personalized recommendations can help, but if the video is in a series we know what the subscriber probably wants to watch: the next episode.
To solve this problem we’ve updated the app to automatically suggest the next episode in a series. When a subscriber finishes an episode a screen pops up asking them if they’d like to watch the next one. If they don't respond within a few seconds we go ahead and start the episode automatically. This is a similar experience to many other streaming platforms out there, except without all the algorithmic shenanigans and censorship.
We’re planning to add autoplay to other parts of the app, but if you have particular requests or suggestions don’t hesitate to let us know!