
We hope you’ve been enjoying your summer - and your state-of-the-art streaming applications from Treefort 😉. Read on for the latest updates to our product.
We’re excited about this one. If you have a large catalog of content it can be tricky for users to find the next thing to watch, read, or listen to. To solve this we’ve integrated with a slick service called Recombee. You can sign up for a Recombee account and plug it into Treefort to show automated recommendations right in your app! This includes the ability to:
- Show personalized content recommendations based on an audience member’s individual taste.
- Show similar content recommendations based on a particular video, video series, audiobook, ebook, or podcast.
- Show trending or popular content recommendations based on what your audience has been enjoying as a whole.
You can even use Recombee to generate recommendations for use outside of your apps - say on your website. Read the integration guide to get stared.
Honorable mentions
Link management - You’ll see a new “App Links” card when you open a piece of content or a collection in your admin dashboard. The goal of this card is to help you keep your app organized and avoid broken links. The card lists all of the places in your app that link to the item. We’ll prevent you from accidentally archiving the item before removing these links from your app.
Media formats - We’ve added support for uploading flac audio files and mvl video files.
Stability - We spent a good part of June shoring up loose ends in the platform to keep your apps are fast and stable regardless of the size of your audience, the size of your catalog, or if you decide to switch podcast hosting providers. That last one was complicated - but we're happy to think of these details so you don't have to.
That’s all folks! As always, book a demo if you want a tour of the product, have questions, or just want to chat.